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Change log entry 73501
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-08 02:12:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69181 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. Is it slang? It's not even labeled as "coll." in most dicts.

2. I don't see it defined as anything like "idolater" in dicts. That definition makes it sound like theological term, as in ‘Some people would be horrified to think of themselves as idolaters, yet their behavior may manifest a lack of faith and trust in God.’

Also, it seems unlikely that there would be a slang word for "idolater".

3. Spelling: Most dicts prefer "idolater" to "idolator".

4. We could add 追星, which Wikt, for example, defines as
"(neologism) to adore a star; to idolise a celebrity; to worship someone famous"

(btw, no mention of "slang" there, and no mention of worship of religious idols either)

5. groupie ~ "A young woman who regularly follows a pop group or other celebrity, especially in the hope of having a sexual relationship with them."
I suspect that may not be a description that would apply to all or even most 追星族.
Most people in this photo are probably not groupies. (Nor would anyone describe them as "idolaters".)
But the Chinese caption is 追星族.

6. There is a Wp article on 追星族
- 追星族 追星族 [zhui1 xing1 zu2] /(slang) groupie/idolator/
# + 追星族 追星族 [zhui1 xing1 zu2] /????/
+ 追星 追星 [zhui1 xing1] /to idolize a celebrity/
+ 追星族 追星族 [zhui1 xing1 zu2] /enthusiastic fan/
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