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Change log entry 73492
Processed by: richwarm (2021-09-04 05:01:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69197 - submitted by 'ekliao' >>
aerosol is commonly the translation for 氣膠 or 氣溶膠, while droplet is 飛沫

Editor: examples ~

1) Coughing and sneezing.

In the recent enterovirus case, public health scholars were certain that the main channel of transmission of the disease was through fecal and oral transmission. It was rarely transmitted through the air. Thus they instructed people to avoid public places, and to thoroughly wash their hands. Also, swimming pools, kindergartens, nursery schools, and other likely locations for the spread of illness were closed.

Infectious diseases and their means of transmission
愛滋病: 性接觸、血液傳染、母子垂直感染
AIDS: Sexual contact, blood infection, mother-to-child transmission
退伍軍人症: 飛沫傳染
Legionnaires' disease: Airborne droplets

There are divergent theories on how the [SARS] virus spreads. Some experts say it spreads through droplets and others contend that it can be airborne, while bodily fluids and sexual activity are other suspected forms of infection.

Thus the disease begins to spread via airborne droplets and physical contact. This occurs when one comes into contact with the oral and/or nasal secretions of the patient or with infected fecal matter and then touches the lining of one's own mouth, eyes or nose. There are no receptors on the skin itself, so becoming infected by skin contact is unlikely.

TB is less of a threat than SARS. Though both diseases have the same route of transmission-infection by airborne droplets-SARS is caused by a new pathogen, and the entire public lacks antibodies to it, while M. tuberculosis is a very ancient bacterium. TB is not highly contagious, and even if a person is infected, treatment can effect a complete cure. There is no need for panic.

Route of infection:
Through airborne droplets containing the bacterium and released into the air by the coughing, sneezing, or spitting of a tuberculosis patient.

After a tuberculosis victim has completed the treatment course, he does not possess immunity to tuberculosis and has the same chance of infection as the general population. Therefore, avoiding damp, dimly lit, unsanitary areas, as well as congregations of people at close quarters where there may be contact with airborne droplets of sputum, maintaining good general fitness, and strengthening the immune system are essential for preventing infection.

2) Droplets of acid (produced in the process of etching a metal plate).

In order to create the effect of different depths of etched line, printmakers use three different broad categories of mordants to erode the metal. A strong nitric acid is suitable for creating rough, uneven surfaces; a weaker solution of nitric acid is used when more subtlety is required. For fine lines, ferric chloride is the best choice. Finally, for extremely precise, fine lines, hydrochloric acid, also known as Dutch mordant, is most common. After submerging the metal plate in the nitric acid, the part being eroded produces bubbles containing the pernicious compounds nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, which over long periods are damaging to the lungs and air passages. The acid itself can stain, burn holes in clothing, and induce skin irritation and disease.

3) Droplets blown off waves on the sea.
"spindrift: 浪花, 海浪飛沫"
- 飛沫 飞沫 [fei1 mo4] /aerosol/spray/mist/splattered drops/spray from sneeze or saliva/
# + 飛沫 飞沫 [fei1 mo4] /droplet/spray/mist/splattered drops/spray from sneeze or saliva/
+ 飛沫 飞沫 [fei1 mo4] /airborne droplet/
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