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Change log entry 73485
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-09-01 06:01:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69204 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) Our definition doesn't indicate that it's transitive. The grammatical object is usually 肚子.*
2) It's not necessarily bad food. It may happen when you eat *good* food to excess.

- 是吃了什麼不新鮮的東西,吃壞了肚子 ...
- 因為吃壞肚子時所出現的「上吐、下瀉」,其實是一種身體的免疫保護機制,
- 吃壞肚子怎麼辦?

少吃多滋味, 多吃坏肚皮。
Eat little [and you'll] enjoy the flavor more; eat too much [and you'll] spoil your stomach.

Huang explains that the schools exercise tight control over their food supplies, so people can rest easy about safety. After the food is turned over to Agape, it is immediately placed in refrigerators and freezers, before it is cooked again or reheated that evening to provide meals to 20–30 people.

* I have one TP example where the object is one's taste buds:
"As for basic ingredients, production used to follow certain natural cycles. Today, if there is a demand from the public, production has to be increased. In the old days you could only eat Dazha crabs in the autumn. You had a few then and the rest of the year you depended on your imagination. How different now when you can eat them every day-and completely ruin your taste buds."
- 吃壞 吃坏 [chi1 huai4] /to get sick because of bad food/
+ 吃壞 吃坏 [chi1 huai4] /to upset (one's stomach) by eating bad food or overeating/
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