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Change log entry 73484
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-09-01 05:59:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69205 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- ii
- It's a verb.

The president must clearly know what he has to do and what he cannot do. He cannot abuse his power, otherwise he may become corrupted by power.

whereas human intestines are 4-6 meters long, with numerous folds. The long process of human digestion is thus not suited to meat, which easily spoils.

seafood and leaf vegetables do not keep well, so buying too much of these foods only increases the likelihood of them spoiling.

Aside from insisting on traditional methods, Liao also made use of modern technology to carry out the restoration. Pao-an Temple worked with the School of Forestry and Resource Conservation at National Taiwan University (NTU) to perform a detailed inspection of the state of decay of the wood in the temple, utilizing nondestructive ultrasound technology.

Every June, as the fruits begin to grow, beetles flock to the trees to burrow into their trunks and lay eggs, causing the trunks to rot.

which led to rotting of the roots

removing the fur, skinning the animal, and butchering and cooking the meat to prevent spoilage.

To create a solid fuel from silvergrass, the Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy, NCKU, has used pyrolysis (the thermochemical decomposition of organic material at high temperatures with limited oxygen or without oxygen) to produce charcoal. Dr. Chen Guanbang from the research center notes that while sun-drying and compression may be the cheapest method, the resultant fuel lacks burning efficiency because of retained moisture. And since the pieces are quite large, it’s not easy to store (it can tend to rot) or transport.

A mushroom is a very special life form. It grows rapidly beneath tree branches that lie decaying on the ground.

the risk of the fish simply rotting is greatly increased.
- 腐壞 腐坏 [fu3 huai4] /rot/
+ 腐壞 腐坏 [fu3 huai4] /to rot/to spoil/(fig.) to become corrupted/
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