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Change log entry 73438
Processed by: ycandau (2021-08-10 09:41:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68961 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
It seems a 識別證 is worn, on display for all to see, whereas a 身分證 is kept out of sight until one is requested to show it.


雙語週報並準備發行類似識別證的「讀友證」,以後凡想開口說英語時便可掛出證件隨時練習。「我們要創造一個中國人隨處講英文的奇景,」「雙語週報」 行銷業務副理莊重說。
The Bilingual Weekly is preparing to issue I.D. cards, so that members who want to practice speaking English can just clip on their club I.D. and start practicing at any time. "We want to bring about the odd sight of Chinese speaking English anywhere and any time," says John Chuang, its assistant marketing director.

"The Big Issue! $100 a copy!" Since last spring, you may have noticed this catchcry amidst the bustle around Taipei's MRT station exits. Or maybe you've spotted the orange-vested, ID-badged sellers, waving the latest issue high in the air.

最后一分钟 会发给所有警察识别证 好防止他冒充安全人员
Police will be issued special lapel badges at the last moment in case he tries to masquerade as a security man.

Remember to wear your ID TAG at all times.

Remember to have your security pass visible at all times.

All visitors must display appropriate credentials at all times.


GV results:
识别证 - 314,000
識別證 - 1,580,000

It's in Tw dicts like FE, M, LA, but K is the only other one that has it, as far as I'm aware.

Editor: Rich's 2nd proposition.
Personally I think the lanyard is incidental
# 識別證 识别证 [shi2 bie2 zheng4] /ID card displayed on one's person (e.g. attached to a lanyard) (Tw)/
+ 識別證 识别证 [shi2 bie2 zheng4] /ID badge (on a lanyard etc) (Tw)/
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