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Change log entry 73346
Processed by: ycandau (2021-07-31 12:33:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68991 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I believe "revision history" is incorrect.

- 历史版本 is a historical version of a document, not a history of its changes.
- "revision history" is 版本历史, not 历史版本.

Reverso examples:

1) 历史版本 (historical version; previous version)

Can view pages and documents, but cannot view historical versions or review user rights information.

Click the version history link to check all the history version information of the process.

如何下载历史版本的 XMind?
Where can I download XMind previous versions?

2) 版本历史 (version history; revision history)

The User can compare different revisions and the Admin site will give a human readable presentation for the changes. The revision history itself is always read only.

Revision history of the home page.

The following table contains the MediaWiki version history, showing all of its release versions.
- 歷史版本 历史版本 [li4 shi3 ban3 ben3] /historical edition/revision history (of a web page)/
# + 歷史版本 历史版本 [li4 shi3 ban3 ben3] /previous version (of an app, document etc)/
+ 歷史版本 历史版本 [li4 shi3 ban3 ben3] /historical version/a previous version (of an app, document etc)/
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