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Change log entry 73321
Processed by: ycandau (2021-07-27 08:37:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69040 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. It's a question, not a noun.
(Or, to put it another way, it's the question, not the answer.)

2. It should be future tense -- "will fall" rather than "falls".

"There are two major threads in current wind turbine technology: permanent-magnet synchronous generators and permanent-magnet direct-drive generators. The two are in competition, and we do not know which will come out ahead."
- 鹿死誰手 鹿死谁手 [lu4 si3 shei2 shou3] /to whom the deer falls (idiom); the one to emerge victor (i.e. to seize the empire)/prize winner/champion/
+ 鹿死誰手 鹿死谁手 [lu4 si3 shei2 shou3] /lit. at whose hand will the deer die (idiom)/fig. who will emerge victorious/
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