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Change log entry 73316
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-27 04:31:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41230 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
I'm sorry, but this is specifically Japanese, because 從 got simplified to 従 in Japan. The 従 (or 縦, for that matter) character doesn't appear in 康熙字典 (or any other serious Chinese character dictionary), so it's obviously a modern invention (note that 从 DOES appear in both 康熙字典 and 說文解字 because it's the original ancient form). 縦 is nothing more than simplification by analogy. It appears in 当用漢字字体表 published in 1949.

> 従 is obviously a modern Japanese invention.
> 従 doesn't appear in any serious Chinese character dictionary.

Not true. It was being used in China more than 1000 years ago.

1) MoE

2) HDC
從, 《取经诗话》、《岭南逸事》作“従”。

3) Grand Ricci
従 V. n. 1453 從 cóng.

4) Wiktionary
従 : Unorthodox variant simplified from 從 (从 → 䒑) found in the Tang dynasty orthographic dictionary Ganlu Zishu (干祿字書).

5) 俄藏黑水城文献《刘知远诸宫调》俗字整理研究
西夏学 第 6 辑 2010 年 9 月
Part 3: 《刘知远诸宫调》俗字的考释
两处“従”,似是“從”字,又略有异。查《宋元以来俗字谱》:“從”,《取经诗话》、《岭南逸事》作“従”。《干禄字书》平声:□、従、從,上中通,下正。《干禄字书》所谓通者,意为“相承久远,可以施表奏笺启尺牍判状,固免诋诃。” 可见,“従”已经是一个比较通行的俗字。
* Note: In 《干禄字书》, "the variants of a character are divided into three types: the "standard" (正 zheng), the "acceptable" (通 tong) and the "vulgar" (俗 su)." [Wikipedia]
So 従 was classified as an acceptable variant of 從.

6) 隋唐时期,“従”和“從”两种形体的实物用例开始大量增多。
# - 縦 縦 [zong4] /old variant of 縱|纵[zong4]/
# + 縦 縦 [zong4] /Japanese variant of 縱|纵[zong4]/
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