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Change log entry 73311
Processed by: ycandau (2021-07-26 12:36:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69025 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

1. settle down --> to settle down

2. get on with one's pursuit --> pursue one's path in life
"pursuit" is a bit misleading, I think
"pursuit: an activity of a specified kind, especially a recreational or sporting one."

3. (idiom)

While Chinese educators fought fiercely for official recognition of their language, after Malaysia gained its independence, long-time resident Chinese families began to settle down and integrate rather than continue to identify themselves as citizens of the Republic of China.

everyone feels they can move forward with their lives without fear of discrimination or oppression.

Society constantly tells women that their place and their fulfillment are in the home.

The oriental style which once crossed the ocean and established itself with difficulty in foreign lands seems to have returned under the guise of "European" culture with an exotic appeal to East Asian customers. It really is very difficult to know just what is foreign.

These changes caused many frustrations, and often left us feeling lost and powerless, not knowing how, in this messed-up age, to peacefully stake out a life for ourselves.

Even though opportunity abounds in Kaohsiung, not all of this wave of white-collar workers considers it a place to settle down and so are not included in census figures as new residents.

It is plain enough to see that even more people will be thrown on the scrap heap, and be unable to find a livelihood again.

有人苦苦尋覓,尋找安身立命的落腳處;有人卻像是晉朝捕魚的武陵人 ,誤入桃花源,從此流連忘返、樂不思蜀。
Some people find a place to settle down only after a quest of epic difficulty. But others, like the fisherman in the Jin dynasty who stumbled into the Peach Blossom Paradise and forgot to go back, have found the land of their dreams by accident, and stay because they are so happy.

As far as Tu is concerned, now that he has found a place to settle down, his life and his work can truly begin.

Although you can say that they've been successful in creating a beautiful locale, as far as Lai Sen-hsien and his ten companions are concerned, they don't want Kungkuan to become nothing more than a place where city people come to ease their pressures-their "backyard" as it were. They emphasize that they have settled down here. It's where they live and work.
- 安身立命 安身立命 [an1 shen1 li4 ming4] /settle down and get on with one's pursuit/
+ 安身立命 安身立命 [an1 shen1 li4 ming4] /to settle down and pursue one's path in life (idiom)/
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