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Change log entry 73298
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-24 02:43:24 GMT)
Comment: fell --> has fallen
(more accurate)

who is --> when he's
(more idiomatic)
- 落井下石 落井下石 [luo4 jing3 xia4 shi2] /to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down/
+ 落井下石 落井下石 [luo4 jing3 xia4 shi2] /to throw stones at sb who has fallen down a well (idiom)/to hit a person when he's down/
- 投井下石 投井下石 [tou2 jing3 xia4 shi2] /to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down/
+ 投井下石 投井下石 [tou2 jing3 xia4 shi2] /to throw stones at sb who has fallen down a well (idiom)/to hit a person when he's down/
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