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Change log entry 73271
Processed by: ycandau (2021-07-19 09:16:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68959 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think these two additional glosses would be useful.
Google Translate (zh-->en) has two suggestions: "identify" and "recognition"

"to identify" is one of three glosses in NA ("distinguish; discern; identify").
It's the *entire* definition in NC.

The example 识别人才 is in both NA and NC:
NC ~ "identify talented people"
NA ~ "spot/recognize a man of talent"


射頻識別 RFID (radio frequency identification

CI的原意是指企業識別標誌(Corporate Identity)

識別證 ID card/badge

Several years on, I can now state quite clearly that my lyrics contain strong nationalistic elements-a strong degree of cultural identification.

Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)

the Cannes jury noted Hou’s unique identifiable style as a key reason he won the prize.

So as to make it easier to reassemble the group elsewhere if they were chased out of the first location by the police, the organizers requested that all the participants wear white clothing, so they could easily identify each other.

Tsou says that rather than reinterpreting these books, the packaging is intended to establish their value and give them a new identity.


``Muddled Southern pronunciation." It's an input system specially designed for Southern people's poor pronunciation. It can recognize a lot of Southern people's pronunciation habits. It's made it easier for a lot of people with pretty heavy Southern accents.

OCR optical character recognition『電算』光學字元識別

人臉識別系統 facial recognition system

speech recognition ==> 语言识别
- 識別 识别 [shi2 bie2] /to distinguish/to discern/
+ 識別 识别 [shi2 bie2] /to distinguish/to discern/to identify/to recognize/
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