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Change log entry 73262
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-16 10:25:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68979 - submitted by 'hanpingchinese' >>
removed two rogue closing brackets
- 起到 起到 [qi3 dao4] /(in an expression of the form 起到…作用[qi3 dao4 xx5 zuo4 yong4]) to have (a (motivating etc) effect))/to play (a (stabilizing etc) role))/
+ 起到 起到 [qi3 dao4] /(in an expression of the form 起到…作用[qi3 dao4 xx5 zuo4 yong4]) to have (a (motivating etc) effect)/to play (a (stabilizing etc) role)/
By MDBG 2024
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