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Change log entry 73251
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-14 02:16:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68945 - submitted by 'lars' >>
Some terminology in machine learning.

Ghost is (* 是) a general model. Our experiments with image classification, object recognition, and general computer vision were effective. Face recognition can be tried.

What's up with medical image segmentation using FCN, U-Net, U-Net++?

English examples:
Object detection: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_detection
Image segmentation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_segmentation
Image classification: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/images/classification

Suppose I'm reading an article or a book about computer vision, written in Chinese.
a) If I'm already familiar with the concept of "image segmentation", I probably won't need to look up 图像分割 because the Chinese term is so similar to the English term.
b) If I'm *not* familiar with the concept, the definition "image segmentation" will not enlighten me, since I would already know it's something to do with breaking up (分割) an image (图像).

The same applies more or less to the other two terms in this submission.
So these entries seem limited in their usefulness.
# 圖像識別 图像识别 [tu2 xiang4 shi2 bie2] /image classification/
# 目標檢測 目标检测 [mu4 biao1 jian3 ce4] /object detection/
# 圖像分割 图像分割 [tu2 xiang4 fen1 ge1] /image segmentation/
+ 圖像識別 图像识别 [tu2 xiang4 shi2 bie2] /image classification (computer vision)/
+ 目標檢測 目标检测 [mu4 biao1 jian3 ce4] /object detection (computer vision)/
+ 圖像分割 图像分割 [tu2 xiang4 fen1 ge1] /image segmentation (computer vision)/
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