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Change log entry 73247
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-07-13 09:16:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68899 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
- "Dragon Man"
- information about the species

1. 研究團隊指出,該「龍人」頭骨也可能是丹尼索瓦人

2. “龙人”被认为是古人类的新物种 但仍有疑问
在中国发现的一个大型头骨化石可能属于我们神秘的失散多年的近亲之一--丹尼索瓦人(Denisovan)。然而,它被归入一个新的人类物种“龙人”(Homo longi)。其他研究人员说,这一发现很重要,也很令人兴奋,但认为在我们的家谱上增加一个新物种的决定还为时过早。

3. ‘Dragon Man’ skull may be new species, shaking up human family tree

4. 'Dragon man' claimed as new species of ancient human but doubts remain
A large fossil skull discovered in China may belong to one of our mysterious long-lost relatives, the Denisovans, potentially offering us our first glimpse of a Denisovan face. It has, however, been placed in a new human species – Homo longi – a name that derives from a Chinese term meaning “dragon”, and that means the early hominin may become known informally as “dragon man”.

One possibility is that the Harbin fossil is a Denisovan. This mysterious group of extinct humans was first identified a decade ago from DNA in a finger bone found in the Denisova cave in Siberia, Russia. The Denisovans were closely related to the Neanderthals, and lived in Asia for hundreds of thousands of years. They also interbred with H. sapiens.

The clincher would be if DNA could be extracted from the Harbin cranium, something that may be done in future.

“I think it’s possible that Harbin will turn out to be a Denisovan skull, the most complete one,” says Stringer. “That’s something we’ll have to test with DNA, but that’s probably a long shot because it’s at least 146,000 years old.”

- 龍人 龙人 [Long2 ren2] /Homo longi, extinct human species, evidence for which was discovered in Heilongjiang in 1933 in the form of a skull/
+ 龍人 龙人 [Long2 ren2] /Dragon Man, the nickname of the individual whose fossilized cranium was discovered in Heilongjiang in 1933, thought to be a Denisovan 丹尼索瓦人[Dan1 ni2 suo3 wa3 ren2] or a new species of extinct human, Homo longi/
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