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Change log entry 73209
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-07 00:06:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68924 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
adv. widely; far and wide

副 表示动作行为广泛普遍地(进行)
| 广为宣传
| 广为流行。

Pleco doesn't have an entry for 广为, but it has one for 广为流传:

【Pleco: 广为流传】
spread extensively; widely known

Father` s Day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday in order to help greeting card manufacturers sell more cards.

Language: Malay is the official language; Chinese and English is widely used.

Recently, a very simple sentence, "Amazing, my motherland" has become wildly known in China.

The below photo has been widely distributed over the Internet.

It seemed to argue so wide a diffusion of her shame, that all nature knew of it;
[Hawthone, The Scarlet Letter]

來自南台灣高雄的台語龐克樂團「滅火器 Fire EX.」,歌詞真實反映這個時代與生活,字句流露對台灣濃厚的愛,隨著〈長途夜車〉、〈晚安台灣〉、〈島嶼天光〉等廣為傳唱的歌曲,點燃起樂迷對台灣未來的希望。
Punk-influenced Kaohsiung band Fire EX. sings in Taiwanese about the times we live in and the band’s deep love of Taiwan, writing and performing such highly popular tracks as “Good Night! Formosa!” and “Island’s Sunrise” that kindle their fans’ hopes for Taiwan’s future.

That was said to be the result—quoted by Fredrick F. Chien, the ROC's represen-tative to the U.S., and given wide coverage in the news media—from a public opinion poll conducted by the Executive Yuan's Research, Development and Evaluation Commission.
+ 廣為 广为 [guang3 wei2] /widely/
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