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Change log entry 73174
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-01 07:18:23 GMT)
Comment: adding 'idiom' at Matic's suggestion

the other variants of this saying all have 大隐, I think, so our two entries will be found if a user does an inclusive search for that word
- 小隱隱於林,大隱隱於市 小隐隐于林,大隐隐于市 [xiao3 yin3 yin3 yu2 lin2 , da4 yin3 yin3 yu2 shi4] /an ordinary hermit lives in the seclusion of the woods; the true recluse chooses the city/
+ 小隱隱於林,大隱隱於市 小隐隐于林,大隐隐于市 [xiao3 yin3 yin3 yu2 lin2 , da4 yin3 yin3 yu2 shi4] /an ordinary hermit lives in the seclusion of the woods; the true recluse chooses the city (idiom)/
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