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Change log entry 73141
Processed by: ycandau (2021-06-28 10:19:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68752 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. "fledge" example (in the context of birds);
"The cliffs where birds set up nests will stay closed for the rest of the breeding season, until the chicks fledge sometime around late July."

2. "fully fledged" usually refers to having achieved full status in one's career etc
‘It takes a year of regular training before controllers can consider themselves fully fledged.’
(And US English is "full-fledged' apparently.)
The M-W definition of "full-fledged" doesn't mention anything about birds.

3. 翅膀硬了 is common but it's not the only 翅膀硬 pattern:

我翅膀还没硬. 暂无头衔.

4. I'm not sure about the figurative sense.
M and LA define it.
It sounds sth like "to cease to be docile/dutiful/deferential"

LA ~ 雛禽長大翅膀變硬。比喻人長大、獨立後,不聽管教或使喚。
例 「孩子翅膀硬了,就讓他去闖一闖,見見世面吧」。

M ~ 鳥兒翅膀長硬,便飛離窩巢,另築新居。比喻人長大、獨立後,不服管教,不聽使喚。

Actually, 翅膀硬 is a set phrase literally meaning 'sturdy wings', so OP's initial guess was (nearly) correct. It is a complaint used by parents or guardians to describe their children or subordinates who start to have their own opinions and seek for independence, just as little birds who have just got full-fledged wings and try to fly away from the nest. Note that when parents say this, it most probably means that they do not like or agree with or support their children's idea. If they do, they would usually say 你长大了, rather than 你翅膀硬了.
- 翅膀硬了 翅膀硬了 [chi4 bang3 ying4 le5] /(of a bird) to have become fully fledged/(fig.) (of a person) to have grown up (and become independent)/to be ready to spread one's wings/
# + 翅膀硬 翅膀硬 [chi4 bang3 ying4] /(of a bird) to fledge/(fig.) (of a person) ???/
+ 翅膀硬 翅膀硬 [chi4 bang3 ying4] /(of a bird) to fledge/(fig.) (of a person) to outgrow the need to be submissive to one's parents, mentor etc/to break away from the people who have supported one up to now/
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