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Change log entry 73099
Processed by: ycandau (2021-06-23 14:09:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68809 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
TP ~ 在國際網路上刷卡經驗豐富的潘穎薇則認為,信用卡問題不必太擔心,因為一般正規網站都採會員制,需要有會員卡號及密碼才能購物,外人盜刷的可能性不大。
Pan Ying-wei, who has made plenty of credit card purchases through overseas websites, feels that since most regular websites use a membership system there is no need to worry too much about credit card fraud. So long as you need a membership number and PIN to shop, it is very unlikely that anyone could make fraudulent use of your credit card number.

- 盜刷他人的信用卡進行線上購物,貨品會先寄到被害者的收件地址,然後盜刷者會與被害者連絡說是同名同姓,是線上購物業者弄錯收件地址,要求將貨品退還到盜刷者所指定的收件地址。
- 偽造信用卡,盜刷。

盜刷 (transitive) to charge to (other's bank card) by identity theft
+ 盜刷 盗刷 [dao4 shua1] /to fraudulently draw on (sb's credit card account)/
By MDBG 2024
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