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Change log entry 73057
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-19 07:02:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68781 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Several dictionaries also define it as a verb, but I've just never seen it used as such, so I'm not including a verb gloss in the submission.

v. head a conspiracy
n. chief instigator
| 在这件案子中他是主谋。
| He was the ringleader of this crime.

head a conspiracy; be the lead plotter

| 他是这件诈欺案的~。


1 动 领头策划(干坏事)
| 抢劫行动是他主谋的。
2 名 主谋者
| 谁是主谋?

(Agence France-Presse, Dubai) - A former aide of the international terrorist Abu Nidal said the Pan Am 103 explosion in the sky over Lockerbie, a small town in Scotland, in 1988 was masterminded by Nidal. The explosion killed 270 people.

安理会还强调,所有袭击平民行为,包括空中和海上袭击行为 的 主谋和 同谋,都必须为其行为承担后果。
The Council also stressed that all those responsible for, or complicit in, attacks against the civilian population, including aerial and naval attacks, must face the consequences of their actions

Hsu Fu-sheng, a professor at Central Police University and chair of the Tosun Foundation, points out that if young people repeatedly break the law, they are likely to become habitual offenders, and the task of rehabilitating and treating them will become very difficult. Hsu's research into the criminal history of Chen Chin-hsing, the ringleader in the shocking Pai Hsiao-yen case, is clear evidence of this fact.

And right up to 1989 when it presented the first official report on the 228 Incident in the Legislative Yuan, the government was still primarily blaming the incident on "agitation and exploitation by communist elements" and laid all the responsibility on the "chief plotter who planned and controlled behind the scenes, Communist Party member Hsieh Hsueh-hung."
+ 主謀 主谋 [zhu3 mou2] /mastermind/ringleader/lead plotter/
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