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Change log entry 73041
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-18 06:37:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68629 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. view; prospect

NOUN view; prospect
| 展现出一幅壮丽的图景
| open up a magnificent prospect

| 描绘了一幅令人神往的~
| 画家信笔一挥,一幅山水~便跃于眼前。

1 名 图画上的景物
| 好一幅万马奔腾的图景!
2 名 现实或想象中的景象
| 眼前展现出一幅壮丽的图景。

This isn't the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations, but a fact of Europe's new economic landscape, embraced by sociologists, real-estate developers and ad executives alike.

But such information yields only a fuzzy picture

Nothing like a complete picture of the origin of the earth has been devised.

He described the place and I tried to visualize it.

The trade picture has become increasingly complex because Japanese companies have begun to invest in the United States to manufacture goods for sale in America and other countries.

His stories presented a majestic history of the life and times of warm, human, and utterly believable characters.

A vision that changed the world forever.

As more vertebrate, and especially mammalian, genomes are sequenced, scientists will develop a clearer picture of this important class of sequence.

本文从分析《名公书判清明集》 (简称《清明集》)中的几个典型书判出发 ,论述了《清明集》中体现出来的情理观念 ,总结出一幅宋代民事司法秩序的图景 :那是一个情理的空间 ,一个介乎于圣贤操守和腐败司法之间的解决纠纷的空间。
The author summarizes a view of the civil judicial order of the Song Dynasty from several typical court verdicts in “The collection of virtuous and brightness verdicts by famous judges of ancient China”, analyzing the sense of emotion and morality in this book.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- for ever.
[Orwell, 1984]

Editor: I felt that the meaning of "or fig." wasn't really clear enough.

One more example ~
正如存在主義哲學家雅斯培(Karl Jaspers)所說:「歷史觀給我們提供了場所,我們有關人的存在的意識就是從那堥茠滿X—歷史圖景便成為我們決斷中的一個因素。」人做為有意識的動物,必須透過歷史尋求自我認同,確定本身存在的意義,沒有正確、真實的歷史圖景,也就無從做出正確的自我認同與政治判斷。
The existentialist philosopher, Karl Jaspers, said: "Our view of history supplies us with a place. Where does our existential consciousness come from? The historical picture becomes a factor of our judgement." Man is an animal with a consciousness who must seek his identity in history to confirm the significance of his existence. Without a correct and true historical picture, there can be no proper self-identification and no political judgement.
# 圖景 图景 [tu2 jing3] /landscape (in a picture or fig.)/(fig.) picture/view/
+ 圖景 图景 [tu2 jing3] /landscape (in a picture)/(fig.) landscape (i.e. general situation)/view of the situation/mental picture/
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