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Change log entry 73035
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-18 04:27:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68584 - submitted by 'shawkynasr' >>
From: 新世纪汉英大词典(第二版)
[under the former imperial examination system] academic titles conferred on the three candidates who came out first at examinations held at three levels [ Jieyuan (解元)for the winner at the provincial level, Huiyuan (会元)for the winner at the national level, and Zhuangyuan (状元)for the winner at the Imperial Palace level]

①the 15th day of the first,seventh and tenth lunar months called respectively Shangyuan,Zhongyuan and Xiayuan②lunar New Year’s Day③(under the imperial examination system)the one who comes out first successively in the examinations at the provincial capital,the national capital and the palace,winning titles of Jieyuan,Huiyuan and Zhuangyuan
思马得学校 主编.汉英中国文化词典.南京:南京大学出版社.2005.第332页
# 三元 三元 [San1 yuan2] /<old> The first in imperial examinations/
+ 三元 三元 [san1 yuan2] /(old) first place in civil service examinations at three levels: provincial 解元|[jie4 yuan2], metropolitan 會元|会元 [hui4 yuan2] and palace 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]/
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