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Change log entry 73028
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-17 12:16:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68767 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
given the physiognomy of the word, that's what it means.
It was also in the K reference I gave at the time

Editor: The idiomatic expression is "Close the door behind you!"
But that sounds a bit strange in infinitive form ... "to close the door behind one" ??

Zhidao answers (c is interesting):
带上门 是什么意思
a) 出去的时候顺便把门关上。
b) 顺手关上门啊
c) 不知道你所说的“带上门”语言环境是什么?“门”有很多种,诸如一般意义的门,带上就是关上;也有一些暗喻为门的,比如拉锁忘拉上(有时遗忘哦),朋友会善意地提醒:带上门或把门关上!......

I checked out the reference you "gave at the time":
"Those who do not love their country should fuck off as soon as possible, and never come back!!! And take me with you when you go."

That reminds me of a pop song from the 80s: "If You Leave Me, Can I Come Too?" :-)
- 帶上門 带上门 [dai4 shang4 men2] /to close the door/
+ 帶上門 带上门 [dai4 shang4 men2] /to close the door (when going through it)/
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