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Change log entry 73017
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-17 05:47:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68760 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
From https://news.sina.com.cn/s/302716.html

2、歹徒攜爆燃物闖豪宅 子泅河報警救父
From https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20200616000477-260108?chdtv

From http://epaper.tianjinwe.com/tjrb/html/2021-05/31/content_162_4530817.htm

"to swim across" suggests going from one side of a body of water to the other (i.e. same as 泅渡).

But in #1, the meaning seems to be just "to swim" and it's 过河 that conveys the "across" sense.

In #2, it's not clear that the river was crossed. How do we know he didn't swim downstream and emerge from the water on the same side of the river? Besides, the headline still makes sense even if 泅河 means "to swim in the river", because, whether he crossed the river or not, he did swim in the river to get help.

泅海 obviously doesn't mean "swim from one side of the sea to the other". They only swam from the place where the ship sank to an island.

By default, swimming involves movement *across* the surface of the water. That's already inherent in the word "swim". But I don't think these 3 examples demonstrate that 泅 can imply that one goes from one side of a river (or lake or channel) to the other, and I don't see any other dictionary definitions that say that either.
- 泅 泅 [qiu2] /to swim/
# + 泅 泅 [qiu2] /to swim/to swim across/
+ 泅 泅 [qiu2] /to swim (bound form)/
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