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Change log entry 72948
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-10 01:14:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68107 - submitted by 'longjiang' >>
New HSK 7-9 #2952

ex: 哪知道我嫁給了客家人。

Re: "can also add 天知道"

OK, feel free to submit.
But that's a different expression from 哪知道.
I don't think you can replace 哪知道 with 天知道 in the above example.
Nor could you replace 天知道 with 哪知道 in the following example.

I asked a local guide when it would be opened to traffic. She shrugged and looked to the sky, in an expression that said, "Heaven knows!"
# 哪知道 哪知道 [na3 zhi1 dao4] /how would one ever know, how should one know/how could anyone guess, who could have known, unexpectedly/
+ 哪知道 哪知道 [na3 zhi1 dao4] /who would have thought that ...?/
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