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Change log entry 72923
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-08 07:07:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68699 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
1、與鄰居和睦相處。例 如:「敦親睦鄰」。
From 《国语辞典》

From 《现代汉语词典》

3、get along with one's neighbours; good-neighbourliness
睦邻关系 good-neighbourly relations
睦邻政策 good-neighbour policy
From 《姚小平 汉英词典》

Throughout his years in office, Chen has worked to consolidate the nation's allies through the diplomacy of democracy, humane values, environmentalism, trade and being a good neighbor, paying visits every year to allies in Central and South America, Africa, and the South Pacific.
- 睦鄰 睦邻 [mu4 lin2] /neighborly relations/
# + 睦鄰 睦邻 [mu4 lin2] /to get on well with one's neighbours/neighborly relations/
+ 睦鄰 睦邻 [mu4 lin2] /to get on well with one's neighbors/amicable relationship with one's neighbor/
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