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Change log entry 72897
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-06 07:09:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68665 - submitted by 'samsara' >>

Editor: I want to indicate how broad is the range of things that can be chǎnchū'd, by giving some examples: graduates, breast milk, toxic waste, creative ideas etc.
It's not as narrow as the Wiktionary definition suggests: "to produce (a product)".

The Japanese tried to breed a resistant hybrid pine by crossing masson pine with Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii).

Scientists discovered that by adding some parts to the storage rings in accelerators, such as bending magnets and insertion devices, they could increase the level of precision ten times," Yuan says. "The brightness of the synchrotron radiation was thus increased even more, to about 1000 times its previous level.

If you smoke a cigarette or drink an alcoholic beverage made in Taiwan, it will have been produced by the Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau, another organ of the provincial government.

However, how to dispose of the large quantities of mercury waste produced in the past is a big headache for manufacturers.

Each year these schools send another 13,000 grad students into the workforce

"If you want to make an ecological village, then everything from people's behavior and values to production and contributions to the community must be related to the ecology."

In the space of ten to 20 minutes, she releases ten to 20 eggs.

but they generate only about 5% of GDP.

Currently, 30 metric tons of kitchen waste are processed in Mailiao each day, with around 1.8 metric tons of compost produced.

People who research creativity like to say, "A society will produce what it honors." Only a soil that is rich with creativity will give rise to impressive fruits.

the decline of the moviemaking industry affects the formation of Taiwanese cultural consciousness and the output of cultural content.

operating under the guiding principle of maximal output with minmial input,

If a mother happens to catch a cold while breastfeeding, her breast milk will even have large quantities of appropriate antibodies to prevent the baby from getting sick.
# 產出 产出 [chan3 chu1] /to produce/output/
+ 產出 产出 [chan3 chu1] /to produce (graduates, breast milk, toxic waste, creative ideas etc)/output/
By MDBG 2024
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