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Change log entry 72859
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-03 01:43:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68625 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
As Pop Mart, one of the leading Mystery Boxes in China, was officially listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange last month, Mystery Boxes have once again become a hot property in the Chinese market. In recent years, Mystery Boxes have been gaining significant popularity especially among younger generations. According to a recent industry report, female white-collar employees and Z-generation college students in first-ties cities, like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, are the main consumers of Mystery Boxes. “China's millennials spend more on mystery toys than any other hobby, including designer shoes and e-sports.” according to a report from e-commerce platform Tmall.

泡泡玛特可谓是中国盲盒市场领先的生产商之一,而随着去年12月泡泡玛特在港交所上市,“盲盒”一词再次成为人们热议的话题。 近年来,盲盒在中国市场越来越受欢迎,尤其是在年轻一代群体之间。根据近期的一份行业报告显示,一线城市(如上海、北京、广州等)的女白领和Z世代的大学生是盲盒消费市场的主力军。天猫平台的一份报告指出,中国千禧一代在盲盒上的花费高于名牌鞋和电竞运动。
+ 盲盒 盲盒 [mang2 he2] /mystery box/
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