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Change log entry 72843
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-01 02:44:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68143 - submitted by 'longjiang' >>
New HSK 7-9 #4172
# 突破口 突破口 [tu1 po4 kou3] /lit. a crack, breach or gap from which one can break something, a sally port/breakthrough to a problem/
+ 突破口 突破口 [tu1 po4 kou3] /breach/gap/breakthrough point/
- 突破 突破 [tu1 po4] /to break through/to make a breakthrough/to surmount or break the back of (a task etc)/(of ball sports) to break through a defense/
+ 突破 突破 [tu1 po4] /to break through/to make a breakthrough/to surmount (an obstacle)/(sports) to break through the opponent's defense/
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