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Change log entry 72836
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-31 10:03:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67815 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
From https://cn.nytimes.com/business/20160902/anbang-wu-xiaohui-chen-xiaolu/dual/

From https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20151102/c02wanda/dual/

From https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/mobile/taiwan_letters/2011/07/110707_teletters_sue_lidenghui

4、The innocuous-sounding euphemism "white gloves" generally refers to a middleman or outfit that launders dirty or corrupt money under a seemingly legitimate front - dirty hands concealed by a pair of white gloves.

From 中国日报网 https://language.chinadaily.com.cn/trans/2014-07/31/content_18221717.htm

Liu Zhentao, currently director of the Institute of Taiwan Studies at Beijing's Tsinghua University and a former vice-chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, said at a forum held in late April by the Institute for National Policy Research that although Taiwan and the mainland have been engaged in economic and trade exchanges for more than 20 years, they have yet to move beyond their current model of "holding no direct official talks, acting through private-sector organizations, and negotiating only on a case-by-case basis and only on purely commercial matters."

Q: At the Hainan meeting both sides stressed the need to normalize trade relations, but all cross-strait negations are still carried out by the Straits Exchange Foundation acting as representative of the Mainland Affairs Council, so we're still working outside official channels. Is there any chance we'll switch to direct contact through official channels in the future?
A: Political factors mean we have to negotiate through a middleman, but the process doesn't matter; the result is the important thing.

The delegation led by Chiang included officials from the Republic of China's MAC, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and Tourism Bureau, all of whom took part directly in dialog and negotiations. They were referred to simply as "advisors," but in fact their presence carried important political significance. In addition to helping with the implementation of policy, their participation represented a departure from the longstanding practice of working through people from the private sector acting as authorized representatives of the government. Now that direct contact between government officials from both sides has become the norm, we can expect future dialog and communications to proceed more quickly.

密集蒐證約談下,從球員、教練、白手套、組頭,一直到有著黑道背景的地方政治人物,所有環節完全現形;吳健保更因「主持或指揮犯罪組織罪嫌」而被追訴最高的9年有期徒刑,併科罰金5,000 萬元、強制工作3年,總算一改過去假球案總是給人「高舉輕放」、「抓小放大」的印象,希望能一舉發揮嚇阻功效。
In the end, the evidence collected showed the full extent of this corruption, which reaches from players and coaches through to go-betweens, heads of gambling syndicates, and politicians with shady pasts. Wu Jianbao faces a maximum nine-year sentence for "leading or instructing a criminal organization," as well as a NT$50 million fine and three years of community service; this is quite the turnaround from past cases, where only the small fry were charged, and it will, hopefully, act as a deterrent into the future.

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"Chinese Businesswoman Allied to Former Premier Wen Jiabao Detained"

蔡英峰(1983年5月26日-),為台灣的棒球選手之一,曾效力於中華職棒La New熊,守備位置為投手。
涉入2009年中華職棒假球事件遭檢方調查,坦承擔任雨刷集團白手套收買球員,遭La New熊開除。


"According to the South China Morning Post, the expression “white gloves,” when used as a noun, was coined in Taiwan! ..."

"Media expose Zhou Bin’s ‘white gloves’"
# 白手套 白手套 [bai2 shou3 tao4] /white glove/(fig.) (slang) middleman that launders dirty or corrupt money under a seemingly legitimate front/
+ 白手套 白手套 [bai2 shou3 tao4] /white glove/(fig.) (slang) intermediary in negotiations/proxy who acts on behalf of an official in corrupt dealings (to keep the official's involvement secret)/
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