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Change log entry 72821
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-29 23:36:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68389 - submitted by 'samsara' >>
1. 使用新型的加乘混合分离变量法,可以解决原有方法解决不了的问题。

Using mixed addition and multiplication variable separation method can solve problems which can't be solved by primary methods.

2. 捯碎的鳀鱼与双色甜椒、蒜片、牛奶、起司、鸡汤烩烤,加乘丰富滋味。

The chopped anchovy, two-color sweet pepper, garlic slices, milk, cheese, and chicken broth are braised and grilled for a rich taste.

Editor: Did you find 加乘 in a dictionary? I didn't.
If you think you have found a word that isn't in any dictionary, ask yourself why.
How come nobody else thought to include it?
Could it be that you merely found a typo, for example?
(The first word in your 2nd sentence should be 捣碎, not 捯碎, which is why you won't find 捯碎 in dictionaries.)

There *are* words that aren't yet in dictionaries, and we welcome them.
But before you send them to us, compile some evidence.
Find more than just one example for each sense.
Can you find other examples where 加乘 means "to add", for example?

Use good quality sources.
There are lots of Chinese/English sentence pairs online that are based on English material poorly translated into Chinese, but you mustn't rely exclusively on them.
# 加乘 加乘 [jia1 cheng2] /addition and multiplication/to add/
By MDBG 2024
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