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Change log entry 72720
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-18 06:25:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68009 - submitted by 'longjiang' >>
New HSK 5 #199

1. "hand it to someone" can mean "give credit or recognition to someone for something they have done".
'Still, you have to hand it to Jenny—she sure knows how to throw a party."

So I'm changing the wording a little.

2. Typically used as part of a construct like this: 把...遞給
So the item is generally mentioned immediately before the verb.

3. examples

He therefore calmly accepted the towel, wiped his face, and passed it on to the next person, saying: “It’s hot and you’re sweating. Here’s a towel to wipe your face.”

They gave her the script to try out. “I think you’ll be a great actor,” Huang told her

My fourteen year-old son puts sauce on the plate of spaghetti he has just taken from the fridge. He hands it to me and says "Mum, can you heat it up for me, please?"

Girl fans, leaning over the low fence that separates the stands from the field, hand players iced milk tea as they come back to the dugout between innings.
# 遞給 递给 [di4 gei3] /to hand it to/
+ 遞給 递给 [di4 gei3] /to hand it (i.e. the aforementioned item) to (sb)/
By MDBG 2024
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