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Change log entry 72697
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-16 11:29:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68339 - submitted by 'samsara' >>


Besides the construction work, the Group holds no meetings or get-togethers; members only have a nodding acquaintance with each other and rarely ask each other personal questions.

the government naturally has the responsibility to protect the security of its citizens' property as well as the overall national interest.

In July of last year, three candidates for admission to the Central Police University who scored well on their entrance examinations failed the university's background check when it was discovered that their fathers had criminal records.

For security reasons many organizations-including the Investigations Bureau, military intelligence, the judiciary, the police and the military police-run background checks on applicants. Only those with a "clean" personal and family record are hired.

"When a security company (or an individual) wants to hire a guard, shouldn't it check the guard's background?"


When foreign firms in the mainland are confronted with threats to their safety and property,

especially with regard to the river dikes upon which the safety of the residents depends.

Over the last 20 years many new drumming groups have been set up all over mainland China. Activity is most intense in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan provinces, where regular drumming competitions are a great favorite. According to Xi'an drummer An Zhishun, in some localities drumming is not merely a leisure activity, but a symbol of a high quality of life. If you wish to join a group there, they will first look at your "family background": only someone with a spotless personal and family record will be accepted. When someone gets into such a group, their whole village celebrates.
# 身家 身家 [shen1 jia1] /net worth/one's entire assets/
+ 身家 身家 [shen1 jia1] /oneself and one's family/family background/pedigree/one's property/one's total assets/
# extra:
+ 身家調查 身家调查 [shen1 jia1 diao4 cha2] /to do a background check on sb/
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