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Change log entry 72687
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-15 01:52:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68506 - submitted by 'samsara' >>

My wife walks in the door from work and either we change into our workout clothes and head to the gym or we crash onto the couch and watch The Office.

1. Not the best translation. What about 点份印度菜外卖?

2. I don't see justification for including "to crash":

a) "crash" an imprecise term, likely to mislead.
It can mean
- "to go to bed or fall asleep" (Merriam-Webster)
- "to fall asleep from exhaustion" (American Heritage)
- "go to sleep, especially suddenly or in an improvised setting" (Oxford)
None of those senses is right for 躺倒在沙发上看美剧《办公室》 since they don't "go to bed" or "fall asleep".
And 躺倒 doesn't imply falling asleep, which "crash" often does imply.

b) "crash" is slang, whereas 躺倒 isn't.
# 躺倒 躺倒 [tang3 dao3] /to lie down/to crash/
+ 躺倒 躺倒 [tang3 dao3] /to lie down/
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