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Change log entry 72660
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-11 01:09:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68165 - submitted by 'longjiang' >>
New HSK 7-9 #5269

I couldn't recall much about Gao Yang at all, let alone his behavior at the table that day, even though we'd been thick as thieves.

Unfortunately, unlike primary school teachers, middle school teachers do not spend all day with the same children, so there are less opportunities to undertake aphorism instruction.

He spent all his time with the old man, and witnessed his perseverance and insistence on upholding Amis culture.

Another factor is that when he was in prison, he came into daily contact with gangsters, opium addicts, and prostitutes, after which he showed even greater sympathy for the weak and disadvantaged.

if barren deserts have such miraculous creatures, there must be an even more surprising side to the insects around me in everyday life.
# 朝夕相處 朝夕相处 [zhao1 xi1 xiang1 chu3] /be together day and night/
+ 朝夕相處 朝夕相处 [zhao1 xi1 xiang1 chu3] /to spend all one's time together (idiom)/
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