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Change log entry 72578
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-05 21:54:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68042 - submitted by 'longjiang' >>
New HSK 7-9 #275

Editor: Typically, it's best translated as an adjective -- it's often preceded by 很, for example.

it was really galling!"

So it's more like "defiant" than "to defy".

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Other examples:

New Party activist Cecilia Yen firmly rejects criticisms by political figures in Taiwan that people overseas "don't understand Taiwan's political reality."

says Han Pao-te feistily.

Even after Yeh Ching-ping bought a steak for a friend who had bet him on the outcome of his experiment, he still couldn't believe it.

Having read too many stories about "Sichuan cuckoos," one person wrote in disgust:

This galls Chen Chao-po, for the Japanese learned the art of swordmaking from the Chinese.

A 20-year Taiwan Power Corporation veteran employee was unhappy at the criticism that state-owned enterprise workers are subject to:

It is difficult to contradict this claim when the couple's little boy is running around.

Twenty or so years ago, there were two soldiers who used to play chess to while away the time. After each game, the loser would declare that he would bring a highly skilled friend to avenge the loss. The winner was not impressed: "So you've got some hotshot to rely on, big deal! You think I don't know any world-beaters?"

"Russian language teachers didn't argue with my method at all; everyone accepted it. However, many English teachers resisted the idea. They had the pride of intellectuals, and were distrustful of a Russian teacher invading their field."

Hangzhou chefs might object,

who in turn get more stubborn than ever.

it was really galling!"

says Chiang indignantly.

Upset, the hotel operators have collectively refused to pay the fines and are in the process of filing an appeal.

He jutted his chin/jaw (out) defiantly.

上一次不服气 这一次想来显威风吗?
You're still upset and you want to get revenge?

If you can't deal with it, just leave!

他批评得对 ,你别不服气 。
His criticism is justified; you shouldn't take it a miss.

Once a group of high-school teachers collectively walked out on him after 15 minutes because they didn’t like his crude language. Looking back on that event, he isn’t at all apologetic: “It’s ridiculous to think that their students are going to be misguided just by hearing a few off-color expressions!”

“How come I wasn’t acceptable?” He stubbornly resolved not to give up and every week would pay his own admission to attend club functions as a non-member.

“Back then if I moved the left side of my body even a tiny bit, the pain was so excruciating that it would bring tears to my eyes…. But I was filled with a kind of rage not to give in, totally unwilling to accept that I was going to live the rest of my life like that.”
# 不服氣 不服气 [bu4 fu2 qi4] /to defy, to refuse to accept, to be unconvinced/
+ 不服氣 不服气 [bu4 fu2 qi4] /unwilling to concede/defiant/indignant/to find it galling/
By MDBG 2024
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