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Change log entry 72577
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-05-05 16:07:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68435 - submitted by 'pepe' >>
GF: 揭露缺点或错误
LAC: 揭露他人的缺點或錯誤
OCC: expose sb's shortcomings
ABC: rake up sb.'s faults
ADS: to expose someone's flaws
PLC: disclose faults, shortcomings or weaknesses

GF: 工作中要肯定成绩, 也要敢于揭短。俗话说: “护短短常在, 揭短短无踪。”
LAC: 俗話說, 打人別打臉, 罵人別揭短。节
OCC: 别人当众揭短 -> dish the dirt in public
ABC: 你别老揭短好不好? -> Could you please stop raking up my faults?
# 揭短 揭短 [jie1 duan3] /to expose somebody's faults or shortcomings/
+ 揭短 揭短 [jie1 duan3] /to expose sb's faults or shortcomings/
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