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Change log entry 72556
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-04 11:41:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68417 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
- can't come up with any better wording.. (took it form Wikt)
- not sure if zhuan4 or zhuan3, OCD & Wikt both say zhuan4, tho some online sources seem to imply zhuan3

B: 是在某个领域或方面有很大的兴趣,并非常了解,知道如何操作,玩得很好。 [1]


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# 玩轉 玩转 [wan2 zhuan4] /to be adept at/to fully explore (a place)/
+ 玩轉 玩转 [wan2 zhuan4] /to know all the ins and outs of sth/to get to know (a place) inside out/
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