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Change log entry 72554
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-05-04 08:22:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68427 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Q: “收山之作”的意思是什么?
你好! 我是学汉语的韩国学生:) 阅读汉语课本,我遇到了这个文章: 北京西单商业区中国银行总部大厦,是贝聿铭先生的收山之作。
A1: 这里的“收山之作”指的是贝聿铭先生设计生涯的最后一个作品。
A2: “收山之作”就是最后的作品,“收山之作”不一定是杰作,但是绝对是最后一个,就跟符号“句号(。)”一样,到此就结束了,不再有另外的作品了。


The instrument symbolizes the culmination of 15 years of global forest negotiations and the beginning of a new era of international cooperation on forests, not as a sector but rather as a vital cross-cutting issue that advances the global development agenda.

传言 这次是他的收山之作 错过这次机会 游戏就结束了
Rumors are, this is his last score. We miss him this time, it's game over.

After these, he continued to develop his style, composing perhaps the greatest French Grand Opera, Don Carlos, and ending his career with two Shakespeare-inspired works, Otello and Falstaff, which reveal how far Italian opera had grown in sophistication since the early 19th century.

It was only upon my representing to him that I had given a promise that "The Adventure of the Second Stain" should be published when the times were ripe, and pointing out to him that it is only appropriate that this long series of episodes should culminate in the most important international case which he has ever been called upon to handle, that I at last succeeded in obtaining his consent that a carefully guarded account of the incident should at last be laid before the public.
+ 收山之作 收山之作 [shou1 shan1 zhi1 zuo4] /the final work in the career of a composer, film director or architect etc/
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