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Change log entry 72410
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-24 08:05:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67763 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
From 路透社 https://jp.reuters.com/article/china-csrc-exchanges-delist-rules-0101-idCNKBS29627K

From 现代汉语词典

1) "delist" seems to be easily the most important gloss, so it should come first.

2) The other gloss could be:
- withdraw from the market
- exit the market
- quit the market

"quit from market" sounds like unnatural English to me.
Even "quit from the market" sounds a bit odd.
I guess you copied "quit from market" from New Century.

Examples (for cases other than delistings):

"The threat by a large company to exit the market or its announcement to lay off personnel may have sufficient political weight to prevent the enforcement of sanctions."

Investors who react to short-term market movements by moving in and out of the markets may lock in losses and potentially miss out on long-term growth.

MetaTrader4 has three different chart types, 9 time frame, 50 kinds of pre installed technical indicators and can be fully customized interface; it allows you to accurately monitor the market arrangement, each time you enter and exit the market time perfectly.

Nor, most importantly for today's exit strategists, did they do so when short-term interest rates were already close to zero.
# 退市 退市 [tui4 shi4] /quit from market/delist (a listed company)/
+ 退市 退市 [tui4 shi4] /to be delisted (of a listed stock)/to exit the market/
By MDBG 2024
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