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Change log entry 72290
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-15 04:41:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67976 - submitted by 'pepe' >>
她要试图忘记自己对克里斯托弗的执念 。
She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.


Editor: In some of the examples below (e.g. where it appears as 执念于...), it's a stative verb.

Li sets her stories in her hometown of Lukang, here appearing as the city of Lu, about which vengeful female spirits have entrenched themselves, one each to the north, south, east, and west, and another in its center. Their implacability has put them outside of the cycle of life and death-unable to be reborn, they tarry in the human world as ghosts.

In the 1965 poetry collection The Sleepless Eye, he wrote, "It's as if there were an unstoppable depression always pushing me toward poetry. The more heavily it weighs on me, the more I hold onto poetry.

We ascended to his studio, on an apartment building's rooftop, where Yao unveiled one painting after another from his "Honeymoon" series. He explained how each of the works inserts modern people into vast traditional landscapes. Take, for instance, Facebook Chat (whose Chinese name means "unavoidable death" but sounds like "Facebook"). The cynic-protagonist, a recurring figure in Yao's work, sits amid vast mountain forests, occupying only a tiny portion of the painting. Despite the beautiful, unspoiled setting, the man's focus is on his iPad, as he checks his Facebook account.

Like many young people who enjoy science-fiction movies, Chiang Chung-lun has a special interest in the phantasmagoric universe.


Hi­deko Ya­ma­shita believes that the feelings of attachment expressed in such statements as “What a shame!” or “I hate to part with them” constitute the thorniest issue encountered in the quest for dan­shari. Yet unused stuff that takes up space engenders its own kind of emotional burdens, and objects that trigger memories can also serve as shackles. Constant hoarding isn’t healthy. Sometimes disposing of these objects requires a special ceremony, such as bringing them outside to burn or offering a few words before saying goodbye.

Long before “retro” became trendy, “local culture” was already gathering strength, establishing new outposts out of sight of the general public and quietly preparing to reopen the gates of history. It was a brilliant reemergence celebrating the panoply of the past, hidden within the ghosts of old neighborhoods and springing up again beside dappled walls, narrow alleys, and crumbling rooftops. The individuals involved in this renaissance turned stereotypical notions of “old,” “worn” and "ancient” on their heads, upending paradigms, overturning obsessions, subverting biases, limits and images, and even flipping around the progressions of time and history.

执念地练习 不会使你的演奏变得完美
You know, practicing obsessively doesn't make your playing perfect.

And the simplest explanation for your grating obsession with the white walkers is that you're telling the truth You'll finish weighing that heart?

我从来都没去过这样的地方 不过心里总有一股执念
I've never been in there, but I'd love to.

神明可以让你放开一切 不要执念于旁骛
It's about letting go and not holding onto something.

And that pathology can manifest itself in somebody with a physical deformity or who suffered a scarring injury, somebody who's obsessively self-conscious about his own physical appearance.

Dell'Aversano believes that VHEMT fulfills Edelman's mandate because they embody the death drive rather than ideas that focus on the reproduction of the past.

你专注于他,执念于他, 渴望得到他,并扭曲现实, 愿不顾一切以赢得他的爱。
You focus on the person, you obsessively think about them, you crave them, you distort reality, your willingness to take enormous risks to win this person.
# 執念 执念 [zhi2 nian4] /obsession/
+ 執念 执念 [zhi2 nian4] /obsession/CL:股[gu3]/(when followed by 於|于[yu2]) to be obsessive (about)/
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