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Change log entry 72283
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-14 06:42:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68198 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I'm not adding the sense "自求豐足" (MOE) / "enrich oneself without regard for others" (Wenlin) for now. The definitions differ slightly, and it seems an archaic sense of which I have seen no examples.
* "be conservative" (W) / "拘拘自守" (MOE) / "拘执己见, 墨守陈规" (XHDC): the example given is always 故步自封, which means "conservative" by itself -- 自封 to limit oneself the 故步 old ways. I don't think 自封 itself means "to be conservative".

① proclaim/style oneself
② confine/isolate oneself
③ be conservative
④ enrich oneself without regard for others

1. 自我加封(某种名号或身分);自称(含贬义)。
| ~帮派老大
| ~艺术大师
| ~王牌商品。
2. 自我束缚、限制。
| 故步~。

1. 自求豐足。
| 《國語.楚語上》:「若於目觀則美,縮於財用則匱,是聚民利以自封而瘠民也,胡美之為?」
2. 為自己加封號。如:「他自封為專家,聞者莫不嗤之以鼻。」
3. 自我限制、拘拘自守。如:「為人行事不應故步自封。」
| 晉.庾闡〈斷酒戒〉:「子獨區區,檢情自封,無或口閉其味,而心馳其聽者乎。」

1 动 自我加封; 自称(含贬义)
| 自封天下第一。
2 动 自我限制
| 故步自封。

1 拘执己见, 墨守陈规。如:故步自封。
2 犹自命(含贬义)。如:自封为专家。

Some critics deride the group as self-appointed food police.

The self-styled king of beers has been toppled by a drink that most Budweiser lovers have never heard of: Snow

Although his self-given title of "clothes consultant" doesn't sound entirely serious, William Thourlby performs a valuable service for those who seek his advice.

Of course, such leaders emerge naturally out of mass struggle, and cannot be self-appointed.

Self-styled "battle-hardened warrior" and 17-year veteran of street dance Peng Ying-lun (left) believes street dance provided him with his only way of reaching out to the world as a youngster.

Surprisingly, with access to information tightly regulated in Beijing, many young people Wang's age are utterly unaware of the fact that the Republic of China has its own flag, anthem, and constitution, and referred to Chen Shui-bian as the "self-proclaimed" president.

Assange: A Self-Proclaimed Foe of Secrecy Who Inspires Both Admiration and Fury

Editor: I went with "self-styled" because I like it, and because the definition already had "to proclaim oneself" at the beginning.
# 自封 自封 [zi4 feng1] /to proclaim oneself (sth)/to give oneself the title of/self-appointed/self-proclaimed/to limit oneself to/to confine oneself to/
+ 自封 自封 [zi4 feng1] /to proclaim oneself (sth)/to give oneself the title of/self-appointed/self-styled/to limit oneself to/to confine oneself to/
By MDBG 2024
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