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Change log entry 72174
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-10 03:42:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67825 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
From https://news.cts.com.tw/cts/politics/202001/202001101987081.html



4、克林顿为希拉里站台拉票 特朗普隔空拆台


Editor: Thanks.
That sense is labeled as a Taiwanese sense in LA, so I'll label it as (Tw) too.
Let us know if that sense is now common on the mainland as well.

M ~
1. 車站為方便旅客上下車或裝卸貨物所設的平臺。
2. 選舉時為候選人助講、製造聲勢,以期吸引更多的票源。
3. 網路中每一個網站稱為一個站臺。

LA ~
1. 在車站設置的高於路面的平臺,供上下乘客及裝卸貨物使用;特指火車站的站臺。也作「月臺」。
例 「列車緩緩駛出站臺」。
2. (臺) 競選者進行競選演說時,陪站在一旁以助聲勢,或發表言論,幫助拉票。
例 「站臺助選」、「我們去給他站臺」。


TP @ /website/
(maybe a dated term?)

However, in the past few months on the Internet and web many sites have appeared with all sorts of educational purposes, such as those belonging to various campuses, a study site linking more than ten supplementary schools on Nanyang Street, a children's education web site designed for elementary students,

You can get to History Links via the "History" page under the "Humanities" page at HiSearch Yam. Or you can access it by going to the Academia Sinica's homepage, then choosing the Institute of History and Philology. Once you get there to History Links' homepage you will see a button marked "Download simplified Chinese and Japanese and Korean website [viewing] software." This program (NJWin) is shareware provided by NJStar Software, which translates simplified Chinese characters into complex ones and vice versa, as well as allowing netsurfers to view Japanese and Korean language websites.

Anyone who wants to start a blog can just sign up for an account with a site offering blogging services and they will have a space in which they can show off their creativity.


TP @ /to publicly lend one's support/

Chen Chu has a clear, powerful voice which projects well, and speaks authentic Taiwanese. When hosting a campaign event she is by turns enthusiastic or sad, and her expressive body language and humorous segues between speakers usually succeed in creating an inspiring atmosphere which wins supporters' hearts. If DPP candidates can get her on stage with them, it generally gives a boost to their campaign.

he would vote, but not campaign on behalf of, candidates in the next presidential election.

In Taipei, President Chen has made repeated personal appearances with Lee Ying-yuan to boost his campaign, and many people had expected that the Taiwan Solidarity Union's spiritual leader Lee Teng-hui would also come out in support of Lee Ying-yuan at the close of the campaign.

incurred the wrath of the Central Election Commission for violating the ban on foreigners campaigning in elections

In March 2009, the opening of Jay's store in Taipei's "East District" was attended by local celebrities like Kan Kan, Vincent Fang, and Jay Chou, helping the brand hit the stratosphere

Mainland Chinese actors Li Bing­bing, who won best actress for The Message, and ­Huang Bo, who won best actor for Cow, both saw their reputations soar in the wake of their awards. They’re now happy to lend a hand whenever we ask. Even though Li is currently filming Transformers: Age of Extinction, she found time in her schedule to be a judge and a presenter at this year’s awards. They make time for us because they value the Golden Horses.

- 站台 站台 [zhan4 tai2] /platform (at a railway station)/
# + 站台 站台 [zhan4 tai2] /platform (at a railway station)/to support/
+ 站臺 站台 [zhan4 tai2] /platform (at a railway station)/(Tw) (of an influential person) to publicly lend one's support (e.g. for an election candidate)/(Tw) website/
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