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Change log entry 72148
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-08 04:58:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67787 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
1、黑天鹅效应(英语:Black swan theory或theory of black swan events)是指极不可能发生,实际上却又发生的事件。


From 黑天鹅效应-维基百科 https://is.gd/3aHIJ8

2、 疫情下做好“黑天鹅”与“灰犀牛”的应急风险管理
From KPMG https://home.kpmg/cn/zh/home/insights/2020/02/ensuring-business-continuity-management-capabilities-04.html

黑天鹅 is literally "black (黑) swan (天鹅)" and it appears to mean any of the three things it means in English:
1. Cygnus atratus, an Australian swan whose feathers are black.
2. (figuratively) Something believed impossible or not to exist, of which an example is subsequently found.
3. (figuratively, also attributive) A rare and hard-to-predict event with major consequences.

So I don't see the need to have an entry to explain what 黑天鹅 means.

Also, I didn't see evidence that 黑天鹅 is an abbreviation for 黑天鵝效應.
# 黑天鵝 黑天鹅 [hei1 tian1 e2] /Black swan theory, abbr. for 黑天鹅效应|黑天鵝效應[hei1 tian1 e2 xiao4 ying4]/
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