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Change log entry 72138
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-06 22:34:39 GMT)
Comment: 1) Science --> science
("sentence format" would require a period at the end as well as a capital letter at the beginning)

2) Removing the stray period after "(from 1978 speech ...)"
- 科學技術是第一生產力 科学技术是第一生产力 [ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 shi4 di4 yi1 sheng1 chan3 li4] /Science and technology is the number one productive force (from 1978 speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] introducing the Four Modernizations 四個現代化|四个现代化[si4 ge5 xian4 dai4 hua4])./
+ 科學技術是第一生產力 科学技术是第一生产力 [ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 shi4 di4 yi1 sheng1 chan3 li4] /science and technology is the number one productive force (from a 1978 speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] introducing the Four Modernizations 四個現代化|四个现代化[si4 ge5 xian4 dai4 hua4])/
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