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Change log entry 71925
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-26 21:38:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67777 - submitted by 'dl4ul' >>
It's used all over Taiwan now.

Editor: Thanks for the update.

"public transportation" seems to be the correct term in US English.
- 悠遊卡 悠游卡 [You1 you2 Ka3] /EasyCard, smartcard used for payment on public transport and at other businesses such as convenience stores in Taipei and surrounding areas/
# + 悠遊卡 悠游卡 [You1 you2 Ka3] /EasyCard (smart card used mainly for public transport in Taiwan)/
+ 悠遊卡 悠游卡 [You1 you2 Ka3] /EasyCard (smart card used mainly for public transportation in Taiwan)/
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