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Change log entry 71759
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-11 07:39:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66647 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
ABC: give a person the dirty end of the stick, misuse a person
2nd gloss from 500P

Japanese definition

ex: 你就可一辈子都骑在我脖子上拉屎!我早晚会把你拉下来的!shit!
# 騎脖子拉屎 骑脖子拉屎 [qi2 bo2 zi5 la1 shi3] /to ride someone's neck and take a shit (idiom)/to treat someone like garbage/
+ 騎脖子拉屎 骑脖子拉屎 [qi2 bo2 zi5 la1 shi3] /lit. to take a dump while sitting astride sb's shoulders (idiom)/fig. to treat sb like garbage/
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