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Change log entry 71711
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-03-06 07:09:31 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67610 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"criticize (as a matter of principle)" means "criticize (because one's moral principles dictate that one must do so)".

That gives the wrong idea about 上纲上线.


to be overcritical of a small issue by raising it to the level of important issues, such as the country, politics, society, etc.

Stack Exchange:
上纲上线 means raise common things (actions, opinions) at the level of big issues about nation, society, morals or politics.
A: 好啊, 你喜欢外国货是吗? 你怎么不买国货? 叛徒!
(A: Wow. You like foreign products? Why didn't you buy products made in our country? TRAITOR!)
B: 别上纲上线, 完全没道理.
(B: Stop, that's nonsense.)

A: 我觉得不一定非要让座, 我也很累啊.
B: 你真没素质.
A: 你总是喜欢上纲上线, 让不让座跟素质有什么关系?

Another site:
making a mountain out of a molehill 上綱上線
"But the chief executive said those worried about the integrity of the border were “making a mountain out of a molehill“, and said she and her counterparts were discussing the issue of the river, which Hong Kong maintains has not moved."
- 上綱上線 上纲上线 [shang4 gang1 shang4 xian4] /to criticize (as a matter of principle)/
+ 上綱上線 上纲上线 [shang4 gang1 shang4 xian4] /to make a mountain out of a molehill/
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