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Change log entry 71673
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-27 06:45:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65991 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* MoE says this a specific ritual on 三月三日 and Lu Xun also mentions this day on the passage quoted below, but 现代汉语大词典 seems to indicate it doesn't have to be this specific ritual. 汉语大词典's examples on http://www.guoxuedashi.com/hydcd/340900f.html do tend to mention at least 三月. It seems there was a ritual performed on the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar month of which the purpose was 祓除, but 祓除 doesn't necessarily refer only to this specific ritual (?).

1. 古代三月三日至水邊戒浴,以除不祥。
| 《周禮.春官.女巫》:「女巫掌歲時祓除釁浴。」
| 漢.鄭玄.注:「歲時祓除,如今三月上巳,如水上之類。」
2. 掃除、洗滌。
| 《國語.周語上》:「是故祓除其心,以和惠民。」

【现代汉语大词典 】
1 除灾去邪之祭。
2 清除;消除。如:祓除旧习。

The story behind this work is that in 353, Wang Xizhi invited 41 guests to join him at the Orchid Pavilion by a small, meandering stream for the purification rites of spring.

The Zhao family was to hire Daoist priests to exorcise the ghosts of people who had hanged themselves—cost to be borne by Ah Q. (Lyell)
Ah Q must pay for the Taoist priests whom the Zhao family had called to exorcize evil spirits. (Yangs)
To cover the costs of the Daoist priest that the Zhaos had hired to exorcize evil spirits. (Lovell)

这一带地方,每逢春季桃花水下时,本来是男女嬉游之所,人人手里举着兰草,说是祓除 不祥,其实是唱着柔靡的歌,发泄他们一冬天窒闷的情绪。

自汉到魏晋,几乎都是说百姓(郭虞、徐肇)的女儿夭折,认为是不祥之事,每逢这天,大家到江河边去洗盥,以祓除 病灾。这种祭祀活动,恐怕最早还是老百姓搞起来的,或者说是一种自发的群众活动。

在周代,巫术迷信颇为流行,每年春天,三月的“上已”(上旬的“已”日),女巫在河边举行为人们除灾去病的仪式,叫“祓除 ”,也称“修禊”。禊有清洁的含义,选址河边,取洗去积秽、祛除不祥的意思。
聂鑫森《文汇报 》2002-5-14【曲水流觞】

希腊亚里斯多德说文学有“祓除 ”作用,或译为净化作用。譬如有一个人受了社会的侮辱和损害,常觉愤懑不平,渴求报复。但当他看了《水浒传》之后,仿佛他所仇恨的人已被梁山泊的英雄好汉杀死了,一腔久郁的闷气出了,便觉心平气和了。
苏雪林 《文学作用与人生》
[Here probably a translation of catharsis in Aristotle's Poetics, which literally means purification.]
# 祓除 祓除 [fu2 chu2] /(of evil, spirits, etc) to expel/to cleanse/to to purify (through ritual) /(or habits) to get rid of/
+ 祓除 祓除 [fu2 chu2] /to exorcize (evil spirits)/to purify through ritual/to rid oneself of (a bad habit)/
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