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Change log entry 71667
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-02-26 08:11:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67585 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) He was president of PKU 1916-26, not 1917-19.
Britannica ~ "served as head of Peking University in Beijing from 1916 to 1926"
Other sources vary slightly, but the span is still around a decade:
a) Wp ~ 1916年至1927年任北京大學校長
b) Baike ~ 1917年至1927年任北京大学校长

2) "minister of education for Guomindang"
I think this is wrong.
He was the minister for only 6 months in 1912, and the KMT wasn't even formed until 1919.
Besides, it's only *states* (such as the ROC) that have a minister of education, not political parties (such as the KMT).
Wp ~ 中華民國臨時政府、北洋政府
任期 : 1912年1月3日-1912年7月14日
- 蔡元培 蔡元培 [Cai4 Yuan2 pei2] /Cai Yuanpei (1868-1940), liberal educationalist, studied in Germany, president of Peking University 1917-19, minister of education for Guomindang/
+ 蔡元培 蔡元培 [Cai4 Yuan2 pei2] /Cai Yuanpei (1868-1940), educationist and politician, president of Peking University 1917-27/
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