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Change log entry 71611
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-20 02:38:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66764 - submitted by 'lars' >>
From 茅山捉鬼人(网络小说)


意思泛指人死后无家可归、没有地方可去的无主游魂, 比喻没有依靠,处境艰难的人。



钱锺书 《围城》五:“人家哪里有工夫梦见我们这种孤魂野鬼。”
周士第 《把敌人挤出去》:“最后,敌人实在没办法,派了四百多人,才把那些孤魂野鬼接出了炮楼。”
周立波 《山乡巨变》下十二:“人生一世,草长一春,这样孤魂野鬼一样拖在世上,有么子味呢?”

some Han Chinese sought to placate the ghosts they feared were left unattended and lonely.

adding a section on the Hakka worship of the spirits of the yimin martyrs, a group of militiamen who were killed while fighting against rebels. Unfortunately, the committee breezily referred to the spirits of the yimin militiamen as a "pack of lonely ghosts and wandering demons." This uncomplimentary language elicited a second storm of protest.

Lonely ghosts or paragons of valor?

A few years after the flood, the people of Chinhu built Wanshan Temple next to the communal grave in Hantsailiao. Later, because many residents moved to the Hsinkang district, a sub-temple called Hsinkang Wanshanye Temple was established. There are many Wanshanye temples throughout Taiwan, but wanshanye is defined uniquely in Chinhu. Everywhere else in Taiwan, it refers to spirits who don't have descendents to pray for them, but in Chinhu the wanshanye, being the ancestors of current residents, do have descendants to pray for them. But "they are regarded as wanshan-ye," says Huang Wen-po, "because no one could identify individual corpses."

She successfully captured the mysteriousness of weird folk tales, and threw in a lot of stuff about ghosts-Ghost Festival ceremonies, the wandering of lonely ghosts without living descendants, and the mischief committed by evil spirits,"

Warm Life's Rachel Wang says with a sigh that the fear of being a "wandering ghost with no one to look after her" deeply affected her own mother, encouraging her to hang on in her unhappy marriage to the bitter end. Wang, who got divorced two years ago, admits that she doesn't know what will become of her in the next world, but hopes that more and more families of divorced women will welcome them back home.
# 孤魂野鬼 孤魂野鬼 [gu1 hun2 ye3 gui3] /lit. lonely soul, wild ghost (idiom) / wandering ghost without a home / to have nobody to rely on / person in a difficult situation/
+ 孤魂野鬼 孤魂野鬼 [gu1 hun2 ye3 gui3] /wandering ghosts without living descendants to pray for them (idiom)/person who has no family or friends to rely on/
By MDBG 2024
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